Brahmos II indian hypersonic missile project




A photo that looks a lot like the supersonic Brahmos and a bit of a read


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sferrin said:
Did they cancel this or something? ???

No they didn't , they have asked the Government for $1.5 billion for this project and 5 years of time line to complete it.

Although Mr Pillai the CEO of Brahmos has proposed to the Government to kick the Russians out from the Hypersonic Project and feels he can deliver on his own , more on this here
I might be wrong on a lot of counts since my aerodynamic knowledge is sketchy at best...
The thing just doesn't seem optimized for hypersonic flight, aerodynamic heating prevents from kerosene being used as a propellant because all oil based hydrocarbons break down when heated.

Am I correct?
Nope. ATK has flown a hypersonic hydrocarbon-fueled vehicle (FASTT, see below) and there are lots of others in development or testing.

And of course there's no reason to suppose that the picture shown is the actual Brahmos-2 configuration--it looks very much like the current weapon.


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You can use kerosene for mach 6 sort of hypersonic stuff, its if you want to go faster that you have to switch to hydrogen for a lot of reasons.
Hi all,

A realistic mock up of India-Russia's joint hypersonic missile project Brahmos II was displayed at aero india this year.

The other prior and parallel-run, indigenous hypersonic missile demonstrator (project HSTDV) still remains to be flown tested - it should have been years ago - but progress is being accomplished.

This thread might be useful to those interested in India's hypersonic airbreathing missile and related developments.



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A model of HSTDV was shown on last years ILA in Berlin/SXF


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antigravite said:
A realistic mock up of India-Russia's joint hypersonic missile project Brahmos II was displayed at aero india this year.
I hardly think that this is realistic representation of BRAHMOS 2 configuration. Just a poorly made placeholder model massively influenced by X-51A.
flateric said:
antigravite said:
A realistic mock up of India-Russia's joint hypersonic missile project Brahmos II was displayed at aero india this year.
I hardly think that this is realistic representation of BRAHMOS 2 configuration. Just a poorly made placeholder model massively influenced by X-51A.
Flateric, time will tell.
Or, as Francis Bacon originally put it, "Tyme tryeth troth" (time sorts out the truth).
Years ago - 2009 - the sole available artistic view of a Brahmos Mark II hypersonic missile project was a Brahmos 1 with an added "II" photoshoped writing on it. The drawing attached herein was available on BrahMos' website. Recent press reports suggest that 4 aerodynamic configurations were actually designed for refinement, testing and further downselect. The Aero India 2013 scaled down mock up might be the result of this iterative process… It is not axisymetric - obviously not. Another key feature is its performances. A publicized intended cruising speed of Mach 7. And under the constraints of MTCR, a range below 290 km, thus making it as a weapon of choice for handling time critical targets, provided the hypothesized on board GPS does not fail in case GPS satellite signal fails to be available in the course of operations. I read a story on something along these lines, years ago, not directly related to BrahMos 2.



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It's really hard to get much info on this missile. The context it's usually mentioned in makes it seem as if it's a whole separate missile from the anti-ship variant.
So not similar to latest RBS15/Exocet which simply seem to use SATNAV already existing in the missile to add some land attack capability.

Does anyone know if it indeed is a separate missile, different from the anti ship variant of Brahmos? And if so, just how does it differ exactly? Does the anti ship variant not have Satnav?
And this land attack variant has it? Does the land attack variant have added guidance? Visual/radar? I assume it has a different warhead too.
And what about range, is it similar?

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