Bradley and other US systems for Israel

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Found this kitbashed model of an M2 Bradley in IDF colours with a comment that Israel had rejected not being armoured enough and with too fragile a suspension.

I assume the M1 Abrams was rejected even though Egypt seems to like them.
Found this kitbashed model of an M2 Bradley in IDF colours with a comment that Israel had rejected not being armoured enough and with too fragile a suspension.

I assume the M1 Abrams was rejected even though Egypt seems to like them.
interesting facts thank you for posting.
I assume the M1 Abrams was rejected even though Egypt seems to like them.
It is not so much that the M1 was rejected, it's that the Merkava was designed specifically to the priorities of IDF, incorporating the learnings of YKW. Things like better crew protection by front engine, ability to rescue the crew of another disabled tank, casevac under armour, palletized ammo resupply to continue fighting for days when outnumbered 10:1, etc.

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