Boulton Paul Type A turret on the Hr.Ms. Flores


ACCESS: Restricted
7 July 2019
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Hello there. I have been looking into the Dutch Flores-class sloops for awhile now, and one thing is still very unclear to me.
Many sources say that the Flores was fitted with two Boulton Paul Type A turrets (Taken from the Boulton Paul Defiant).

Hr.Ms Flores Boulton Paul turret.png

Here is the only photo I could find that might be the Flores with the turrets. The reason I say 'might be' is because I am not able to figure out where this turret is located on the Flores.
Maybe the photo above is not even on the Flores, but on another ship.

Hr.Ms. Flores blueprint (1944).png
This is a top-view photo of the Flores in it's 1944 confiquration. Now I want to figure out where the Boulton Paul Type A turrets would be located.

If you happen to have any information regarding the Flores and the Boulton Paul turrets I would much appreciate it.
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I think some RAF rescue launches were also equipped with those turrets. Possibly some of their General Service Pinnaces as well.
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IF it is the Flores, and comparing the angle of photo to the deck plan then, to my opinion, those turrets could only have been
placed at the edges of the yardarms, probably replacing the light weapons there.
Just a conclusion from the perspective, not because of better knowledge about tis ship !
According to this source (page 39), the BP turrets were placed where the motor launches used to be.

Shipbucket drawing via TracesofWar


So either they're both sides of the funnel, or just aft of the funnel where the crane is drawn in this image.
According to this source (page 39), the BP turrets were placed where the motor launches used to be.

Shipbucket drawing via TracesofWar


So either they're both sides of the funnel, or just aft of the funnel where the crane is drawn in this image.

Oh thanks! That does clear things up. So if I put it all together I came to this conclusion:
Hr.Ms. Flores blueprint (1941).png
The photo of the turret I showed above did state that it was of the Flores. So going on from there the turret was on the side of the ship, because you only see the water behind it.
That ruled out the position of the crane considering that is in the centre of the ship.
So what I thought I do is put them on their own little platform like shown in the image above. And I placed them in the spot where the motorboats would normaly be.
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