Book Proposal


ACCESS: Secret
Senior Member
24 March 2008
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Sample pages for my book project. The text is filler in lieu of securing some legit reference on the aircraft in question.


  • sample sheet.jpg
    sample sheet.jpg
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Looks good. The page design very much has the feel of a 1960s proposal brochure.
prolific1 said:
I'm big on retro.

Me too. I really like it. Is my copy ready yet and I assume you'll be autographing it for those of us at Secret Projects? ;)
(Yes. I read what he wrote, I was kidding about it being ready because it already looks so good).
Retro does have its moments....

I have found a publisher that may be interested. I am making the proposal now along with these samples for their approval. Depending on whether or not I can acquire a "proper" deal (vs self publishing) will determine the extent of depth I am willing to create for this book. I ideally would like to illustrate a quite a bit for each of the featured aircraft however if I am to finance the production of the book exclusively out of pocket (considering I now work in a coffee shop making lattes instead of designing for a studio as I have done since the 90's) then it will likely be relegated to an external hard drive somewhere in my house to be forgotten and eventually lost.

We shall see.

If you publish your book, I'll buy it for sure.
Contact the Fana de l'Aviation, they may be interested by your work.

Hmmmn...I'll have to check out your contact. As I doubt they will accept an electronic submission could you forward me their postal address. I'm drafting the proposal now in addition to a pdf excerpt.
This is brilliant !!! :eek: ... I will buy one for sure (even if I don't like t´hat retro-look abd esp. this hostpital-green very much) ;D

Any interest in a Chinese "paper project" for that book ??

CHeers, Deino
Any interest in a Chinese "paper project" for that book ??

I included work based on what I could find. If I had access to Chinese stuff of the "retro" period I'm covering (1950-1965) then I would put some in the book too. I can only make what I have available to me. I have little interest in any newer least for now. I'm more fond of old stuff.
Where can I pre-order? It looks awesome.

Be sure to include a making-off section in the back, where you show step-by-step how you create your awesome profile work.
Where can I pre-order? It looks awesome.

It will depend on if I can get it published by an existing company. I have little interest in self-publishing. If I can get something legit behind it then I will make it bigger than I have planned and maybe toss in some b&w cutaways too. We'll see.

Be sure to include a making-off section in the back, where you show step-by-step how you create your awesome profile work.

Perhaps. ;D

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