Book on Fairchild


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
12 July 2006
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Does anybody know the book "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow - Fifty Years of Fairchild Aviation". Is it worth to buy it?
Judging from the author, is seems worth it... The other book on Fairchild around is poor from the unbuilt projects side...
The other book on Fairchild around is poor from the unbuilt projects side...

Do you mean “Fairchild Aircraft 1926-1987” by Kent A. Mitchell (published at Narkiewicz/Thompson, 1997)? Yes, it’s boring for hunters & collectors of unbuilt aircraft.
Boring, no, but annoying, yes, a lot. At times it's clear the author has much more info than he writes down (e.g. the XC-120 Packet Plane affair, he must have known that the detachable airframe dated back from the C-82 times, and he fails to mention the projected production version of the XC-120, the C-128)
Hi All!
Hi Skybolt, I want to know whether there is in this book ("Fairchild Aircraft 1926-1987") manufacturers Model Designations ?
If you can please tell me
If there is something I will buy this book.

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