Book: K. Udalov, A. A. Valyaev-Saitsev: Planes of the Myaishchev Design Buro OKB-22


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18 November 2012
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Удалов К. Г., Валяев-Зайцев А. А.: САМОЛЕТЫ ЭМЗ ИМ. В. М. МЯСИЩЕВА ОКБ-22

Москва, 2024 г., 208 с.

УДК. 629. 735. 33. (47+57)

K. Udalov, A. A. Valyaev-Saitsev: Planes of the Myaishchev Design Buro OKB-22

Moscow 2024, 208 pp.

This new book by Konstantin Udalov and Aleksej Valyaev-Saizev outlines the history of the work of the Design Bureau No. 22 of V.M. Myasischev on the development of modifications of the Pe-2 dive bomber and its own developments. So the famous Pe-2 is the center of this book and all the work done by the Buro No. 22 to this whole family of an aircraft.

The Pe-2 was the largest-production bomber in the history of Soviet aircraft construction and the most mass-produced dive-bomber of World War II. It became the third among Soviet combat vehicles (after the Il-2 and Yak-9), in terms of production scale. It is also among the world's top three twin-engined warplanes of World War II, produced in numbers of over 11,000 (Junkers Ju-88, Pe-2 and Vickers Wellington). It is interesting to note that the history of the Pe-2 dive-bomber began with a fighter in December 1939 and ended with a fighter in November 1945. In this regard, all the aeroplanes of this class created in 1939-45 by the Petlyakov-Myasishchev Design Bureau can be divided into three groups:

1st. the high-altitude fighter "100" from 1939,

2nd. the Pe-2 dive bombers No. 39101 in decembre 1940 till the Pe-2B, from the summer of 1944,

3rd. the Pe-2I day dive bombers with 2VK 107A ‘Mosquito’ - 1944, Pe2M, DB108 - 1944, VK-109 - 1945 (significantly different from the production Pe-2 in flight characteristics and aerodynamic layout) and their modification into a DIS fighter (1945).

So, you see, very interestring stuff. I read the whole book on a weekend. (My russian, which I learned 35 years ago in school was good enough to do it; or deepl came to help).

So the book starts with the heavy two engined high-altitude fighters VI-100 and VI-1 (pp. 22-47; see attached table of contents). Next in line aret the Pe-2M1 and Pe-2B (pp. 48-63). The following chapters are dedicated to the Pe-2B (pp. 56-63), the Dive Bombers Pe-2D (pp. 64-69) and Pe-2S (No. 10/231) (pp. 70-79). Next up is the Pe-2s powered by the Ash-82 engine (pp. 98-105). The next chapters are dedicated to the long range heavy escort fighters Pe-2F3 and Pe-3M (pp. 106-121). Next up are the efforts of the Myasishchev OKB to enhance the Pe-2 overall design: faster, higher, more armour. Here we see the Pe-2K, the Pe-2I "Moskito" (pp. 111-128). The most interesting parts of this book are the chapters about the planes with the new engines (Vk-107, VK-108 and VK-109) and their design-history (pp. 150-204). Especially the long range heavy fighter "DIS" (pp. 150-160) and the long range fast bomber with the VK-108 engine (pp. 172-185) are true design masterpieces.

This book is a real treasure trove. I wish everyone a good reading!


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Książka Konstantina Udalova o działalności OKB Myasishcheva w okresie II wojny światowej, kiedy to postawiono zadanie w krótkim czasie budowy samolotów do zwycięstwa nad niemieckim faszyzmem. W książce przedstawiono różne modyfikacje bombowca nurkującego Pe - 2 OKB Petlyakova, który niestety zginął w katastrofie lotniczej na początku stycznia 1942 roku, w najbardziej masowym okresie budowy Pe-2.
Przedstawiono wszystkie znane dotychczas prace modernizacyjne Pe - 2. Były głębokie badania samolotu w różnych wariantach, aż do pełnoprawnego projektu pasażerskiego. Jak zawsze książka jest pouczająca, pełna materiałów fotograficznych, rysunków i rysunków. Polecam wszystkim, którzy interesują się historią OKB Myasishchev. i samolotami z II wojny światowej.


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Machine translation:

Book by Konstantin Udalov about the activities of the Myasishchev OKB during World War II, when the task was set to build aircraft for victory over German fascism in a short time. The book presents various modifications of the Pe - 2 dive bomber OKB Petlyakov, who unfortunately died in a plane crash in early January 1942, during the most massive period of Pe-2 construction. All known modernization works of the Pe - 2 to date are presented. There were deep studies of the aircraft in various versions, up to a full-fledged passenger project. As always, the book is informative, full of photographic materials, drawings and drawings. I recommend it to everyone who is interested in the history of the Myasishchev OKB. and aircraft of World War II.

Please remember that English is the language of the forum. If you can't write it, just make use of machine translation as I did by myself with your post.

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