book for the 75th anniversary of KnAAPO


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15 November 2006
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Book Published about History of KnAAPO

"Flagman Rossiyskogo Aviaprom' ((Leader of the Russian Aircraft Industry)) is the title of a book about the Komsomol'sk-on-Amur Yu. A. Gagarin Aviation Production Association (KnAAPO). It has been published by the Khabarovsk publishing house Priamurskiye Vedomosti and is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the enterprise.

The jubilee publication tells about the enterprise's history and its people, the first airplanes produced, contribution to victory in the Great Patriotic War when 2,757 DB-3F (Il-4) long range aviation bombers were assembled here for the military.

The book has been published in the Russian and English languages is richly illustrated with unique archival photographs.

The Komsomol'sk Yu.A. Gagarin Aviation Production Association is the largest and one of Russia's most modern aircraft building plants. Major reconstruction and global technical reequipping has been out at the enterprise which has allowed introducing the newest technologies into production. Besides participation in the holding company's priority programs, the plant produces single seat and twin-seat modification of the Su-27 family of airplanes - the Su-27SM/SKM, Su-30MK2, the ship-based Su-33 and Su-27KUB fighters and overhauls and upgrades airplanes serving Russia's air force and navy. KnAAPO is a certified supplier of the Boeing corporation.

Source: 20.07.09, Avia.RU

It would be interesting :D

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