

ACCESS: Top Secret
8 November 2007
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The media has just described a storm in the U.S. but I won't link to today's "new word used in a headline" story.

The Media... bah, just bah.
Bombogenesis is a perfectly respectable meteorological term. Even if it is occasionally overused, it is useful shorthand for a real phenomenon. I do not understand what the fuss is about.
In the 1940s and 1950s, meteorologists at the Bergen School of Meteorology began informally calling some storms that grew over the sea "bombs" because they developed with a great ferocity rarely seen over land.[5]

By the 1970s, the terms "explosive cyclogenesis" and even "meteorological bombs" were being used by MIT professor Fred Sanders (building on work from the 1950s by Tor Bergeron), who brought the term into common usage in a 1980 article in the Monthly Weather Review.[


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