Boeing's JDRADM concept has unique TVC


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Senior Member
9 November 2008
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I was looking around for any new JDRADM info and I came across Boeing's JDRADM backgrounder document.

Not much new here until I zoomed into the picture. It is there that I noticed a small TVC jet exiting from the side of the motor.

Well spotted! As is so often the case however, this solution is not entirely new:
The Boeing solution is different than the CAMM design.

The CAMM design is a cold-launched missile that then uses dedicated side-thrusting maneuver rockets to get it pointed in the right direction before the main motor ignites.

The Boeing solution seems to indicate a systems that bleeds thrust from the main chamber while the main motor is burning.

That is what I meant by unique.

Here is a video on CAMM showing the two different motors and their sequence. The last part of the video shows, what I think, is an earlier version of CAMM being hot-launched and using direct TVC of the main motor exhaust (ala AIM-9x)
Point taken. That difference is likely to be a consequence of the intended launch platform though - if CAAM was air launched, it would probably work in much the same manner.
Boeing's vectoring concept there was first mentioned several years ago but damned if I can remember where. :-[ (And it does bleed off the main motor.)
Was it in relation to DRADM-T?

btw, here is the FY2011 R&D funding doc

According to the doc, the engine tech (DRADM-T) is almost done and we should have a prototype by next year.

I don't remember. I just remember thinking "hmm, sounds complicated". :-\

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