Boeing sued by Wilson Aerospace


Senior Member
21 January 2015
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A few notable parts of the lawsuit about SLS, the ISS, and Starliner.

You can read a full copy of Wilson’s complaint against Boeing in my story:


Wilson Aerospace, a family-run tools company based in Colorado, is suing Boeing for a wide range of claims concerning allegedly stolen intellectual property.

The complaint alleges that Wilson’s tools were used for NASA projects including the International Space Station and its Space Launch Systems rocket, and that counterfeit Boeing versions led to leaks that “put lives at risk.”

A Boeing spokesperson said in a statement to CNBC that Wilson’s “lawsuit is rife with inaccuracies and omissions.”
that doesn't sound good for Boeing. Despite potential inaccuracies in the Wilsonlawsuit, I would imagine there are counterfeit tools at Boeing (or they have mysteriously disappeared) as evidence
Even if there is some exaggeration in the case, which I suspect there might be in such a case, it still leaves Boeing with some serous questions to answer.
Honestly, the biggest question to me is how Boeing designed an assembly that they didn't have the technical ability to construct. Only after it was built did they go looking for a tool to make it workable. That's just embarrassing.
Honestly, the biggest question to me is how Boeing designed an assembly that they didn't have the technical ability to construct. Only after it was built did they go looking for a tool to make it workable. That's just embarrassing.
How the mighty have fallen.
He and the DIRECT guys should be given rights to make SLS with Boeings equipment in return :)

Remember, SD-HLLVs were Griffin's Idea (along with Ares I that he thought would be a quick and dirty pre-Falcon)

So Boeing is building a rocket they themselves opposed---since Griffin's plan was to not use endless launches of D-IVs and leaky hydrogen depots.

The problem is not the rocket--it's the people.

So help me---part of me wonders if they were trying to wreck it from within.
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