Boeing Model 743 to SOR-198 CX-6


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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From NASA, Vertical and Short Takeoff and Landing V/STOL Aircraft 1964,

I can't ID this V/STOL transport airplane Project,it looks like a little
Boeing Model-743,but it was not the same,its shape was familiar ?,
so I open a new topic for that.


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Since I have no idea what it is, I can not search in this forum for more info.
The article that @hesham posted about Kaman, he is referring to this document

As you can see in the page, you can go to Google books and download the book. On page 167....
you will see a peculiar design of a supposedly Army Cargo VTOL plane. It sits in the text about a 1964 R&D VTOL congressional hearing of the XC-142 but this is no where near the XC-142

I can't put my finger on it. I've seen it somewhere but have no clue where to look
No need, just have one of the mods merge it with the original thread.
I am relatively sure this is a Vought study. The whole report was separated into Vendor chapters and this was the Vought chapter. I went into my Vought timeline and found some ADAM studies that point this design into that direction. See the attached pics. Then again, the evidence of Hesham points to MDD....


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VSTOL cargo aircraft model. The picture comes from a document dated December 1965.

"American Secret Projects US Airlifters since 1962" by George Cox and Craig Kaston. Crecy
Chapter Four: V/STOL programs SOR-198 or CX-6 (1961) and LIT (1968)

LIT is too late, then could be a SOR-198 study

There are references to SOR-198 in the pages next to the picture source

SOR-198 originated as a Tri-Service VTOL program, looking for a larger, more useful V/STOL transport aircraft.
Boeing and North American awarded the research contracts in June 1965.

In the book there are many SOR-198 drawings. The particular model we're trying to identify is not illustrated but it has common elements with a couple of 743 iterations illustrated on page 104 and a configuration study table at page 102. In fact, Model 743-100-81A from August 1965 looks almost identical with lift fans located in the fuselage sides. The cruise power plant configuration, however is different. 100-81A has 4 turbojets. Our model has a pair of turbofan + 2 small turbojet. In my opinion, this is not an ADAM configuration.

The Vought ADAM model from "Notiziario di Aviazione", to me, looks too small to be a Vought pre-1965 SOR-198 proposal. LTV LIT ADAM study was an iteration from Model V-506. Can be seen on page 108

So I'm pretty sure the identity of the unknown model is Boeing Model 743 (Probably a 100 sub series iteration)
I'd agree that it appears to be a Boeing 743 with a propulsion alternative. It also looks like the propulsion is four turbojets powering two very large tip-driven fans. This was a technology that was very heavily pushed by GE in the early/mid 1960s (even for early versions of the CX-HLS/C-5).

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