
ACCESS: Secret
2 February 2022
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I see a lot of threads about games but not a gaming thread , the idea was given by @Grey Havoc thread about ROUTINE coming back to life so I said "Hey this website doesn't seem to have a general gaming thread" so well I did !


Space Related Games : Remake

Tank Related Games : Early Access so thread carefully!

Navy Related Games :

Air Related Games : posting the entire franchise would be an extreme pain in the butt, so most of the franchise is recommended

Unclassifiable :

This thread is to post about games, so any news related to the gaming world from board games to videogames !

17M subscribers

327,680 views Nov 1, 2022
327,680 views • Nov 1, 2022
Check out the terrifying trailer for Level Zero, an upcoming asymmetric survival horror PvP where a team of scientists must repair the electrical systems to escape. In Level Zero, light is your weapon--use it wisely to collect loot and slow down the Monsters. As a Monster, use various telepathic abilities to counter the light and hunt down scientists. #IGN #Gaming
Going a bit O/T for a moment:
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All it's missing is the argument that they'll make good little cyber warriors and desktop jockeys a la Last Starfighter one day...
Depends on what games they play.
Sure, Littlewood ain't gonna cut it.
Haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I would be pretty sceptical.
@Grey Havoc I am looking at it now , two the most interesting points are the following :

  • 6:39 about Frances Townsend
  • Also 8:05 to 8:51 about a very but I think @njiiaf can gives us a better perspective on this
Those who caught most of my attention. Although I will say that I haven't play a CoD game in a while, last one was Black Ops 2 (the one who had the aircraft carrier Obama).

The article discussed in said video is the following : . However, on the part of being skeptical, I will conced that you are likely to be at least partly right because their cartoonist is none other than Carlos Latouff . Which njiaf might know because he is infamous for being a guy who partecipated in a cartoon contest sponsored by goverment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

However, there is the article that discusses about it (granted GameRant is never that much professional) :

But also this one discusses the subject :

So, I think the Mint Press News could be the case of "even a broken clock keeps the right time twice a day".

But let's keep politics out of this. I want this thread to be about fun and videogames.
All it's missing is the argument that they'll make good little cyber warriors and desktop jockeys a la Last Starfighter one day...
Depends on what games they play.
Sure, Littlewood ain't gonna cut it.
Further to that development:

Something smells in the State of Denmark...

On some level, I think video games are just junk-food version of sports.

People need activities to practice skills, compete and build social circles. Video games does some of this but is worst at it except in the convenience and novelty factor.

If only game designs can move into the designer sports which fixes common problems with existing sports like difficult learning curve, degenerate meta-game, excessive focus on "unfun" skills, risk of injury, need for expensive equipment and environments, problems with matchmaking, and so on.

[Raises eyebrows]
Beyond Bayonetta and No More Heroes, what do they have?

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