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I agree up to a point, but remember the primary objective would be transmission from aircraft via relay to base.

Charles Martin said that he could not find copies of drawings of the original Military Big Blue Streaks but gave me drawings of the proposed civil ELDO 4RZ2 and 5RZ2 launch vehicles and said they were just about the same and would they do?

He also gave me a drawing of a proposed Double combined Blue Streak with two engines each with at least twice the thrust of RZ2.

NOTE the launch pads 6A and 6B with the gantries were built to take these sixteen foot diameter vehicles with up to a million pounds thrust!

PM Macmillan said cut the costs save money so building facilities that large would not have been undertaken with out the intent of using them.

The cost of all this development work was just over half of what was spent on UK farmers subsidy for egg production.

What was the purpose of developing military Blue Streak SLV? .....for UK/ Commonwealth satellites!

Hansard in 1960 reports on the fact that I think it was Hawkers were developing a Recon Sat that could be used for civil work.

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