Bloch MB VII


ACCESS: Top Secret
18 February 2006
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In the Trait d’Union #171 (Jan-Feb 1997) is presented the project Bloch MB VII (Airplane Marcel Bloch Type VII), public transport, with 3 engines (for 38 passengers it seems), tested at the wind-tunnel Eiffel on December 5th 1929.


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HI Tophe
some other Bloch 's projects
(From an very old " Aviation Magazine")


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and, some explanations French !!


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Your sources are also very interesting, thanks. For the search tool to find them (someday for someone), I write here in text that your ones are the Bloch X and Bloch XI, of 1930, with 4 engines that can be 2 lateral and 2 coaxial in the nose (then looking like 3-engined, "à la VII").
Hello !
Very intersting 3v for the Bloch MB VII, but just a little smaller for a modelist ! Is it possible please to publish a larger ? It's almost impossible to obtein the old issues of Le Trait d'Union if you do'nt work in aeronautic library in Paris ...
Best regards and thank you from the south of France
Well, this is published in a magazine whose old unsold copies are currently sold, so I think I cannot make public a perfect view, this would be piracy act. That is why I stay under 500 pixels big side. But if you send me in a PM your personal E-mail, I will send (to you only, friendly) the source scan, far bigger yes.
Thank's !!! It's great !
My personal E-mail is
In fact I've forget that piracy is bad for a very little narrow business as old aviation publication and I'm very sorry of it. But I like to think that we make publicity for those some fanatics who warrant the "devoir de mémoire" (aproximatively : to do one's duty of memory ?).
I'm an old reader of "Le Fana de l'Aviation" (since 1969, I'm 56 ...) and I'm in possession of some old publication (1978-85) as "Le Moniteur de l'Aéronautique", "Planeurs et Avions Magazine" (12 only ...), also "Wings", "AirPower" (but I'm sure you know !) and others and I'have a scanner if I can help anybody !
Hi all
I've also this one


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Toura, I write here for the Search tool that your post above is about the Bloch MB-202.
TontonLoire (42 is Loire county for us French), I send you an E-mail this evening with the big scan.
thonthon42 said:
for a modelist !
thonthon42 required also the span of the MB-VII but I am unable to answer, sorry. The full 3-view is less than 15cm wide (0.5ft). Yes dimensions are written on the original but what is printed does not allow to read it, even with scan and zoom:


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Zooming even further gives nothing. The span is 6.2cm on the magazine (3 1/3 inches). If the scale is 1/500 that would make 31m span. The fuselage diameter is 0.5cm and that would make 2.5m in real life, enough to walk but for a 4-seat side-by-side layout I would think a little more would be required (on the Embraer 170/190: 3.01m inside, 3.35m outside, with nowadays' comfort?). You can work on such figures I think, thonthon42.


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Thank's Tophe !
I think 31 m could be a logical wing span at this time for this aircraft. I think the engines could be Lorraine W of 450-600 hp class (see the 2 superposed exhaust lines, it's right ?) driving 3-3,5 m 2 blades propellers.
The MB VII is a very interesting thing as a flying model because the good surfaces of wing and horizontal stabilizer and rudder, fixed undercarriage also is'nt complicated. I think ideal for 3 electric engines made at 1/10 scale. And it's a very beautiful machine. As the CL-215 ...
We can say,about Bloch Projects;

MB VII appeared 5/12/29
MB VIII appeared 11/4/30
MB IX appeared 29/4/30
MB X appeared 15/5/30
MB XI appeared 16/6/30
MB XV appeared 29/7/30
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thonthon42 said:
It's almost impossible to obtein the old issues of Le Trait d'Union if you do'nt work in aeronautic library in Paris

I heard a rumour that there is an intention to scan the back issues of le Trait d'Union, to put those onto a DVD and to make the DVD available to the public to purchase. Thus I contacted the French branch of Air-Britain to ask whether there is any truth in the rumour and, if there is, when and at what price it would be available. Sadly I've had no reply from it. Has anyone else heard this rumour and, if so, do they know what is planned?
I know that I've strayed off thread and that this post continues off thread, but having said that I'd received no response from the French branch of Air-Britain and having received a response yesterday evening, I feel duty bound to draw this to the attention of whoever might read this and I do so because, additionally, it may be of interest to some:

"Your question is recurrent in many letters. We know that the amount of information given by Charles Claveau is of major interest for our readers and others. A full book should be a best-seller... but there are some problems !
- This serie of articles began in the 80's, and we just reach letter N (Nieuport will begin in TU.270). You probably know that these articles are published five times a year. One time a year are published additions ans corrections. With such a rate of publication, the serie should end circa 2023 (there are less constructors in the last half of alphabet)... So far away !
- Charles' work is not already prepared. For every issue, our redactors team must collect photos and drawings for illustrating the article, as Charles is not a photo collector by himself. So we don't have the full matter in advance for any kind of book.
- At the beginning, the features were not prepared on a computer, so we don't have the files ready for publication. Scanning the first issues should be possible, but the quality won't be similar to the remaining part.
- And, at last, is the problem of the numerous additions and corrections published since more than 20 years... How to include them ? Some constructors have been amended many times in the A&C pages...
Due to all these problems, we don't have the project to publish the requested book, alas.
Neverftheless, the first twenty years of the magazine (issues 1-120) will soon be issued by Air-Britain, in their CDs library. Just three very old issues are to be scanned yet.
I suggest you keep an eye on our website for the announcement :

Hope to have explained our decision."

If the moderators feel that this post might be more appropriate if moved elsewhere, please do so.
We can say,about Bloch Projects;

MB VII appeared 5/12/29
MB VIII appeared 11/4/30
MB IX appeared 29/4/30
MB X appeared 15/5/30
MB XI appeared 16/6/30
MB XV appeared 29/7/30

From TU 153,

here is a more Info about Bloch MB.VIII,MB.X,MB.XI & MB.XVI Projects;


Single-engine tourist plane project studied in 1930. It remains at the preliminary design stage.


Single-engine tourist plane project studied in 1932. It was the subject of a contract of 170,000 Frs, but did not go beyond the stage of static wing tests.


Monoplane four-engine transport aircraft project. Hispano-Suiza 18 Sc engines of 1000 hp. With a total weight of 30 tons it was to have an autonomy of 7 hours. It will never be realized.


Project of heavy bomber four-engined BN 5 studied in 1930.It was probably derived from the MB XI. It stayed at the drawing board stage.


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HI Tophe
some other Bloch 's projects
(From an very old " Aviation Magazine")
It does not come from Aviation Magazine, but from an article I published in Le Fana de l'Aviation n° 342 in May 1998.
thonthon42 required also the span of the MB-VII but I am unable to answer, sorry. The full 3-view is less than 15cm wide (0.5ft). Yes dimensions are written on the original but what is printed does not allow to read it, even with scan and zoom:

The original document is little bit more readable. Hope it helps.


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