Bisnovat 5 from WWII Aces/Air Conflicts: Aces of World WarII


2 February 2022
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Recently I replayed WWII Aces on Wii and found an aircraft named "Bisnovat 5". However, Google shows that the Bisnovat 5 was a later supersonic research craft. So I tried looking for more images of it, but was only able to find these images from another game (sorry for the bad quality):
bisnovat5c.jpeg bisnovat5b.jpg bisnovat5a.jpeg

Has 2 machine guns, may be able to carry missiles.
I've tried using Google lens, but it showed something else.
So is it a misconception with names from older games, or did they make it up?
That's not Bisnovat 5,here it's.


  • 1.png
    192.2 KB · Views: 7
That's good old Bereznyak Isayev BI. Some seven prototypeswere built, one even with pulse engines mounted on wing tips. There is definitely a thread about it.
Oh, thank you! You don't know how much time I spent on this!
I'm still curious how they named it Bisnovat 5 though. Maybe accidentally got the wrong name?
If I remember correctly that before 1990s it was mislabeled in the West, at least in some publications. They thought that BI was for Bisnovat or something. Publisher's library must be really outdated.
That's good old Bereznyak Isayev BI. Some seven prototypeswere built, one even with pulse engines mounted on wing tips. There is definitely a thread about it.
Oh, thank you! You don't know how much time I spent on this!
I'm still curious how they named it Bisnovat 5 though. Maybe accidentally got the wrong name?
If I remember correctly that before 1990s it was mislabeled in the West, at least in some publications. They thought that BI was for Bisnovat or something. Publisher's library must be really outdated.
The game is from 2007

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