Bill Scott black projects blog



I have yet to see Blackstar or others comment on Bill Scotts new blog:
No disagreement with the "ufo's as a smoke screen for black projects" theory then?
I am much more inclined to believe in earth-produced machines than theoretical vehicles from outer space... So, yes, the notion that many UFO sightings could be a cover-up for actual black programs seems pretty logical to me... Besides, alleged anti-gravitational vehicles have non-conventional shapes, which means that if observed they could easily be taken for alien technology. But then of course not everyone believes they do exist...
I had proposed the same theory here and it was met with a lot of derision.
Link doesn't work for me...

robunos said:
Link doesn't work for me...

He tied the blog to a registered domain name instead of using the standard blogspot subdomain. Unfortunately he used "go daddy" and they keep screwing up the dns records so the blog keeps going off the radar depending on what your DNS servers are doing with the records TTL.

Try using a different DNS server, then go to the site. Note you cant just go to the site using the DNS entries because the site is aliased and uses the browser to bring up the correct blogspot page.
Awesome link for one reason: I had no idea there was a sequel to Space Wars! I enjoyed the hell out of that book.
sublight said:
I had proposed the same theory here and it was met with a lot of derision.

There's an important distinction between:
A: "I saw something strange in the sky, and I think it might have been a secret aircraft of some type"
B: "I saw something strange in the sky, and I know that it must be a hypersonic fusion-powered stealth blimp a mile and a half long."

Far, far too many people do not understand that "I don't know" is a perfectly valid answer to "what was it." And thus we get fanciful inventions of super-science and super-stition.

And "I saw something odd" is proof of precisely *squat.*
I will just refer to you as "Jesus" from now on, because nothing exists unless you say it does. Ok Jesus?
No Sublight, he's right. Mile & a half long, hypersonic, fusion-powered stealth blimps don't exist.

Look, one can go around proclaiming "I want to believe" all they want. You can have all the faith in the world that every light in the night sky is some prototype or maybe even a UFO. Faith is good. But only to a point.

There's a fine line between faith and ignorance.

Here's my point: this is the Secret Projects Forum. A place for legitimate discussion of legitimate projects. And there's nothing wrong in having an opinion or freedom of speech on here.

But when we get into things like "Aurora", supposed Nazi and/or Japanese nuke tests, or the so-called "Wunderwaffe" as if they really were, legitimate discussion becomes idle speculation. Might as well start discussing the Loch Ness Monster and unicorns.

That tears at what this forum is really about. Idle speculation belongs on ATS. We have standards to uphold on SPF.

If we fail to uphold them, we run the risk of morphing into ATS. That drivel is for the ignorant. We're better than that.


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XP67_Moonbat said:
Look, one can go around proclaiming "I want to believe" all they want.

XP67_Moonbat said:
No Sublight, he's right. Mile & a half long, hypersonic, fusion-powered stealth blimps don't exist.

Look, one can go around proclaiming "I want to believe" all they want. You can have all the faith in the world that every light in the night sky is some prototype or maybe even a UFO. Faith is good. But only to a point.

There's a fine line between faith and ignorance.

Here's my point: this is the Secret Projects Forum. A place for legitimate discussion of legitimate projects. And there's nothing wrong in having an opinion or freedom of speech on here.

But when we get into things like "Aurora", supposed Nazi and/or Japanese nuke tests, or the so-called "Wunderwaffe" as if they really were, legitimate discussion becomes idle speculation. Might as well start discussing the Loch Ness Monster and unicorns.

That tears at what this forum is really about. Idle speculation belongs on ATS. We have standards to uphold on SPF.

If we fail to uphold them, we run the risk of morphing into ATS. That drivel is for the ignorant. We're better than that.

I cant tell you about mile and a half long fusion powered horse crap, however I CAN tell you that EXTREMELY large LTA recon platforms do exist and I have talked with several people in the military that have confirmed it. "Jesus" can disagree with me all he wants but when the facts come out I will be just as merciless in pointing out his inability to see the obvious.
sublight said:
1 I CAN tell you that EXTREMELY large LTA recon platforms do exist ... 2 when the facts come out ... 3 inability to see the obvious.

1: You claim something as fact.
2: You then point out that there actually aren't any facts backing it up
3: You then demand that people accept as fact things for which there are not facts, under pain of derision, because the lack of facts made the facts "obvious."

Yeah, whatever Spanky.
Matej said:
Do you have something related to the topic title?

Yes, indeed. In this posting:

There's this picture:

With this caption:
Artist's Concept of "Black" Near-Neutral Buoyancy Airship (Courtesy of Aviation Week & Space Technology)

But when that painting was published in Av Week lo those many years ago, it was a hypersonic vehicle of some kind, not an airship.
!. Think I like the poster from Scott better than the X-Files version. Sold!

2. I saw a mermaid once while at sea. But I believe it was actually a USO from Atlantis. :D

3. IF (big IF) giant LTA vehicles ever get revealed. ;)

3. I posted something topic-related.


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saintkatanalegacy said:
I'm more inclined towards a hypersonic design for that one...

Indeed. The propulsion system is seriously badass; it's sized right for a supersonic or low hypersonic vehicles, but just dead wrong for any sort of blimp or zeppelin-derivative.
well, the shape alone suggests a very high altitude hypersonic design more so for reentry... plus... why would a blimp need an intake?
Orionblamblam - "Jesus" no not really but at least a demi-god of most things aerospace. I have learned about more projects from Scott and his blog in the last year than the last ten trolling around libraries and the internet.

As for Black Projects there are obviously "some" things out there and I am in no position to speculate what they might be. As a technophile I hope exotic technology is being developed but who knows.
I suggest anyone interested take a look at the CIRVIS/MERINT Reporting Procedure for vital intelligence sightings. For some strange reason, a definite shape illustration for a UFO was included in the document and it did not resemble an A-12/SR-71 or U-2.

(December 4, 1956 by the Canadian-United States Joint Electronics Committee, Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings.)
Stargazer2006 said:
I am much more inclined to believe in earth-produced machines than theoretical vehicles from outer space... So, yes, the notion that many UFO sightings could be a cover-up for actual black programs seems pretty logical to me... Besides, alleged anti-gravitational vehicles have non-conventional shapes, which means that if observed they could easily be taken for alien technology. But then of course not everyone believes they do exist...

After years of research, I've come to the conclusion that no other answer makes sense. Aliens? As someone who owns decades worth of "contactee" books, it's also obvious that the aliens morphed from blonde Nordic types to 3-4 foot tall humanoids with oversized heads and eyes over the years.

One book from the 1950s includes a photo of the back of one of the aliens. He is completely human, wears pants and a shirt and has a policeman's style, over the shoulder strap that attaches to his belt. Even a more recent investigation by a psychiatrist could only go so far as saying the contactees experienced something, but what?

I suggest Flying Saucer Aircraft by Bill Rose. There is enough checkable information in that book. Antigravity I'm not sure about.
Orionblamblam said:
Matej said:
Do you have something related to the topic title?

Yes, indeed. In this posting:

There's this picture:

With this caption:
Artist's Concept of "Black" Near-Neutral Buoyancy Airship (Courtesy of Aviation Week & Space Technology)

But when that painting was published in Av Week lo those many years ago, it was a hypersonic vehicle of some kind, not an airship.

I still have that article. It wasn't reported as an LTA craft. Some guy on a motorcycle, near dusk, saw the plane, mostly in shadow with the sun behind it. There wasn't any indication he was an aviation expert as well. I still think when it comes out, it will look more like this, although I admit my designation is wrong, as there is more info now to indicate the Model 100 is the Sneaky Pete.


Also, I seriously doubt it's hypersonic. It's just way too small, if the scale is correct, to have any meaningful range as a hypersonic vehicle and I really don't see a hypersonic vehicle having a dorsal inlet. It really doesn't make sense as such. I see it more as subsonic, maybe with a slight supersonic dash speed, stealthy F-111 class vehicle.

As for Bill Scott's blog, well, all it really tells me is the government is doing secret stuff. Other than that, it hasn't actually shed any light to add to the discussion. At least, not anymore than I could get from ATS, lol.
Wasn't the this illustration supposed to reflect the pebble-shaped kind of hypersonic vehicles that was rumored in the early 1990s? I vividly remember the AW&ST items at the time which depicted this shape as allowing the said vehicle to sort of bounce ahead over its own shockwave and reach Mach 5 without producing any sonic bang (however wacky the whole thing sounds...). Or is this drawing showing a bird of a different feather?
I think you're thinking of the Pumpkin Seed design. They also had the triangular unmanned design that supposedly inverted itself between it's flight mode and it's landing and take-off mode that was supposedly hypersonic.
Sundog said:
I think you're thinking of the Pumpkin Seed design. They also had the triangular unmanned design that supposedly inverted itself between it's flight mode and it's landing and take-off mode that was supposedly hypersonic.

If memory serves, some of the captions were on the wrong images. Caused me some confusion at the time, IIRC.
sublight said:
I have yet to see Blackstar or others comment on Bill Scotts new blog:

Oh, wow... and look at the name of one of his former gov`t employers...
That explains a lot of things.
And is it just me or did you notice how two of the passages about the house fires sound like threats.
The tone of the blog confirms a lot of things i already had learned about his AW articles. And the only stuff he posted are yet more of the same old and non-existant Mach 3 fighters and hypersonic spaceplanes in the shape of a soap with their belly covered with ports for a hundred nukes disinformation stories (with that later one which is now tries to pass as a blimp. Interesting how some people change their story as they go along).
You know what, i now wonder if him and J.J. are the same person. Fits the pattern.
Desert Dawn said:
You know what, i now wonder if him and J.J. are the same person. Fits the pattern.

If you mean J. Jones, they are almost certainly two different people. J. Jones has actively been making FOIA requests (under that name), even recently. Using an alias for that would be..... unhealthy.

Desert Dawn said:
sublight said:
I have yet to see Blackstar or others comment on Bill Scotts new blog:

You know what, i now wonder if him and J.J. are the same person. Fits the pattern.

Naaah... different guys, but just doing pretty much the same thing for very similar employers (I will put a "no comment" on the rest of what i was going to write).
mr_london_247 said:
Desert Dawn said:
....Confirms a lot of things i already had learned....

Back to the future?? ;):

Actually i have found two answers to the "mystery" about that photo (the one that i had decided not to post on my old website 8-10 years ago but that DLR posted) which was "supposed" to be a photo of an HGV wind test tunnel model undergoing tests. A series of photos i found are related to an AFRL study of... plasma, linked to the AJAX concept... One of the photos looks remarkably similar to the shape of the wind tunnel model and to the heat effect seen in the front of the nose of the model.

The other photo i found shows a side view of the front of the nose of a full-scale X-43A undergoing a test in a wind test tunnel model. The X-43 nose was made of a super-high temperature composite material (very few plies of it) and glowed the same way as the photo about the Ajax related US test (no relation, except for the color and effect). Looked a lot like that "supposed" HGV pic too. I am now pretty much sure the photo the guy sent me was one of these two, nothing to do with HGV.
quellish said:
Desert Dawn said:
You know what, i now wonder if him and J.J. are the same person. Fits the pattern.

If you mean J. Jones, they are almost certainly two different people. J. Jones has actively been making FOIA requests (under that name), even recently. Using an alias for that would be..... unhealthy.


Desert Dawn said:
quellish said:
Desert Dawn said:
You know what, i now wonder if him and J.J. are the same person. Fits the pattern.

If you mean J. Jones, they are almost certainly two different people. J. Jones has actively been making FOIA requests (under that name), even recently. Using an alias for that would be..... unhealthy.



I found it funny that he was asking about the right things, in the wrong places, years too late. Almost all of the names came from Black Dawn, but he asked USAF about DARPA, Army, and ODCI programs.
I think he's going to need a bigger boat.

In my experience, when asking for a records search giving a lot of context makes it MUCH more likely to get a hit. For example, when I asked DoD for a records search for a "Tactical High Altitude Penetrator", I gave them a range of years it may have been active, offices that should have been involved with it, etc. - and I got a good hit. Last year I asked for some *very* specific record searches related to the RQ-170 and the unit that I suspected was operating it. Still waiting on the results of those!

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