Biden launches $6B effort to save distressed nuclear plants

The biggest threat to nuclear power is the commercialization of high-density, and high charge-discharge cycle storage batteries. I predict nuclear will disappear.
Can he loan a couple of these billions to France ? our 58 reactors are going down the drain those days, starting with the larger ones (1.4 GW).
The biggest threat to nuclear power is the commercialization of high-density, and high charge-discharge cycle storage batteries. I predict nuclear will disappear.
How exactly? Batteries store energy; they did not produce it by themselves.
Reminds me a bit of an old German joke: "We don't need nuclear power - our electric current comes from the wall outlet."
Regulations and bureaucracy are the worst obstacle, ergo, throwing money left and right does not solve the problems. Never.
Well, they want money, not questions or doubt.
Plenty of warheads to go into those reactors...if leaders would relax their iron grip.

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