Biden admin to announce self-imposed ban on anti-satellite weapons tests

Well this is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation if ever there was one! Continued ASAT tests are obviously unwise given the increasingly crowded environment up there but isn't this effectively ceding the high-ground to other, shall we say less discerning, space powers? I would have though it better to reserve the right but not execute it... until and unless external circumstances dictate.
It has been rumored that the US was to declassify an ASAT capability earlier in the year but then the announcement was put on hold. My personal guess is that the US has a non kinetic ASAT solution in service such that it can afford the moral high ground (so to speak :) ).
So US basically banning themself from testing ASAT while others can still do it?
So US basically banning themself from testing ASAT while others can still do it?
Yes, though it is apparently an executive decision that could be reversed with a different administration, or perhaps even with this administration were the strategic situation to drastically change. The move is more symbolic.
Well this is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation if ever there was one! Continued ASAT tests are obviously unwise given the increasingly crowded environment up there but isn't this effectively ceding the high-ground to other, shall we say less discerning, space powers? I would have though it better to reserve the right but not execute it... until and unless external circumstances dictate.
It's worked in the past.
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