Belgium Air force is now 100 year old

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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on 16 April 1913* the Compagnie des Ouvries et Aérostiers is founded in Belgium
This as a branch of the Belgian Army.

It was the belgians who used first a Firearm from Aircraft,
and in november 1913 they demonstrate aerial use of the Lewis machine gun at Hendon and Aldershot.
in result the RAF equipped the there Aircraft with the Lewis machine gun.

there will be no 100 year celebration of Belgium Air force do to budget cuts...

* i take the Official date in News and Belgian History books.
because some internet sources claim it happen in 1887, 1909 or 1910 or 1914.
Happy birthday to our Airfarce ( Not a typo)
We have the military air strength similar to a second-world country...
We have over extended airframes for the F-16's and we sold the brandspanking new ones with all the upgrades to other countries ( was it Chili?) and we do not intend to buy another fighter to replace the F-16's for at least a decade, possible even longer.
We have C-130's and the replacement is still in development..
The only airforce we are capable of winning a fight with is VaticanCity :p

Next all our fighters with be replaced by UCAV's, the smallest and cheapest possible ones, or maybe we should tie big balloons to churchtowers as our air-weapon of choice :p

The future doesn't look bright for the Belgian Airforce ...



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