hesham. I wasn't aware we already had a topic on this one.
Remember the pictures of the Fairchild XC-120
Packplane window display I took at Le Bourget? Well they came from exactly that team of designers' booth.
When I said in the accompanying text that I was going to tell you more soon, I was actually refering to this very project. I have spoken a lot with the project director, the technical manager and development manager for the Bee-plane and have an article in the plans for later this month, when I finally get around to doing it.
In answer to your question as to whether the project was real or not, well it IS real in the sense that it is currently and actively worked upon.
The originality of the project is that it involves an active extended online community of people. The idea is to make it a sort of Linux/Creative Commons kind of project that constantly evolves and improves. So in that sense it is "theoretical and speculative." However, it is sufficiently advanced and feasible to have generated interest in the industry.
Until I can write my article, here are a couple of photos I took at Le Bourget: