Beagle 221 and Westland 92 Airliner Projects


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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in the British National Aerospace Library site,I find that PDF report,and spoke about
some airliner aircraft and projects,intended to use by BEA ,between them I get those two
projects,Beagle 221 and Westland 92,for Beagle I know the projects 220 and 222,but
221 is new,and for Westland the number 92 may be means W.92,I don't know ?.

I just sent the main page from it to Designation Section,the anther pages is not related to this Info.


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I contacted the NAL about this, and here is their reply:

I’m afraid that we have been through all of the indexes for the BEA reports and have not found reference to either the Beagle B.221 or the Westland 92. We think the Westland 92 is a typo and should have said 192 and I am afraid that report is missing. As for the Beagle, we can only think that we found a reference to the aircraft somewhere in the 650+ reports and would only be able to find it again if someone went through the entre collection again looking for the reference…. though it would be great fun.

For my money, the Beagle 221 reference must just have been a mistake. It certainly does not fit with the Beagle designation system.
Hmmm, 650+ documents needing to be catalogued and organised, and just 5 minutes from where I live. Now, there's a thought :D

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