BBC announces new adaptation of...

Oh great ! I red that novel as a teen, and it scared the shit out of me, how bleak it is when you think about it. I really disliked the 2005 movie. Never seen the older movie.

I really, really want to see a CGI born faifthfull adaptation of H.G. Wells novel. The tripods should be awesome.

H.G. Wells’ seminal novel has been adapted for the screen many times," director Craig Viveiros explains, "but it’s always had a contemporary (and American) setting."

"This is the first version to be set in London and [its surrounding areas] during the Edwardian period."

Screenwriter Peter Harness (responsible for 'The Zygon Invasion' in Doctor Who) said: "The version that I wanted to make is one that’s faithful to the tone and the spirit of the book - but one which also feels contemporary, surprising and full of shocks: a collision of sci-fi, period drama and horror."

"There's nothing cosy or predictable about Wells’ novel, and that’s what I want to capture in the show."

Yes, yes, yeeeeees !!!
Oh the 1953 version is well worth your time: intrepid scientists racing against the clock to save humanity, deserted Los Angeles streetscapes, and the “flying wing” dropping the Big One. What’s not to love?
George Allegrezza said:
Oh the 1953 version is well worth your time: intrepid scientists racing against the clock to save humanity, deserted Los Angeles streetscapes, and the “flying wing” dropping the Big One. What’s not to love?

Fun fact: the 1953 version gave a name to the previously un-named main character: Dr. Clayton Forrester.

Four decades later, a new Dr. Clayton Forrester burst upon the public consciousness and gave the world a new symbol of hope...

I hope the effects are better than BBC's own 'The Tripods':

Still waiting for the third series though!
I remember this being entertaining. Steampunk WOTW with some insane mecha designs and historic personas turned into action heroes. War Of The Worlds: Goliath
Stephen Baxter has done a sequel, which I enjoyed.
jstar said:
Stephen Baxter has done a sequel, which I enjoyed.

Oh gosh, I red critics, I NEED to read that novel.
A BBC critic had to say on this: Stephen Baxter is arguably Wells's current representative on Earth

if you like Comics

I highly recommend this master piece: Scarlet Traces

Written by Ian Edginton and illustrated by D'Israeli.
the Series of Comics look into what happen afterwards as invaders died on flu

H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds is there adaptation and effectively a prequel to Scarlet Traces
Scarlet Traces, ten years after invasion, British Empire has adapted Martian hardware
Scarlet Traces: The Great Game Britain try invade Mars in late 1930s
Scarlet Traces: The Cold War, in 1960s, the Martian who invaded Venus have a Master plan, involving killing the rest of Solar system...
Scarlet Traces "HOMEFRONT" coming for 2018

What i like about Scarlet Traces that's Ian Edginton intelligence story and D'Israeli artwork has tons of references and homage
next Wells work, it feature also Dan Dare, Dr Who, Gerry Anderson series and Hammers "Quatermass and the Pit"
And other Sci-Fi references in story that's make wonderful to read
Try Scott Washburn's "Great Martian War" series. Takes place around 10 years after WoTW. This time they came in greater force, and landed in out of the way areas like the square states in the US. This way the Martians could get organized and build up their forces before the authorities could acknowledge the threat and ship to this remote area organized resistance.

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