BAE Frigate from DSA 2008?

Malaysian Lekiu class, possibly the follow on Jebat class. Far too small to be a Type-23 follow on.
Well, technically speaking, it *is* a Type 23 follow-on; The export light frigates started out as part of a family of diminutive Type 23 derivatives.

Here is the page from Royal Malaysian Navy with info and another pic:

"Letter of Intend has been delivered to BAE Systems for two F2000 Batch II FFG. Discussion is underway to build the ships in Labuan in East Malaysia. The proposed specification includes 2400 tons displacement, length 112m, ESSM SAM, 8x Exocet MM40 Block 3 SSM, Thales SMART-S Mk2 and Saab Ceros 200 FCS. This acquisition being pushed out to 10MP due to budget constraint. It is not yet clear if the MoD will settle for F2000 Batch II or go for ships with contemporary design."
RP1 said:
Well, technically speaking, it *is* a Type 23 follow-on; The export light frigates started out as part of a family of diminutive Type 23 derivatives.


If I remember correctly, the Leiku class was a stretched variant of an 85 meter long frigate offered in a Yarrow brochure. There was entire range of offerings, several of which were shortened Type 23s.
If I remember correctly, the Leiku class was a stretched variant of an 85 meter long frigate offered in a Yarrow brochure. There was entire range of offerings, several of which were shortened Type 23s.

That's correct. Someday I will get around to Shipbucket-ing them all. Exactly how much the Leiku class actually owes to the Type 23 is not clear, though. Implying that a design is simply a modification of an in-service vessel - and one in the RN, at that - reduces the perception of risk and would help overseas sales. I understand that that there are *some* areas of commonality, however.


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