BAC (Vickers) naval AEW studies


ACCESS: Confidential
7 September 2008
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Photograph probably taken at Weybridge, and probably in early 1965 (Feb-Mar).

The large rounded rectangular displays have "radar display air and surface" on them; the large squared off ones have "alpha numeric display" on them.

The panels above the left-hand radar display is for "ECM" but appears to be a missile warning panel with a knob for selecting nose, port wing, stbd wing or tail receivers. Other instruments and panels are largely navigation and communication kit.

Re: BAC naval AEW studies

from the from of cockpit mockup and it around 1965
i gess it's for a Navigator seat in vickers type 589 VG wings
Re: BAC naval AEW studies

I don't think so, as this is a big cockpit - room enough for side by side seating there - that seat is on the left side for instance and there appears to be an access tunnel to go further forward.
Re: BAC naval AEW studies

I would support zebedee, that the size would better fit the Vickers R.156T design, as
shown for example in Tony Buttlers BSP. Could even show the pilots "workstation" without
real cockpit windows.
Re: BAC naval AEW studies

Looks like the Type 799 to OR.330 - aka R.156T and SP4. Vickers did a Valiant and proposed an aircraft below requirement (built of aluminium, thus below required speed due to kinetic heating) that was more buildable than rivals. It also had a two man crew rather that larger crews and specs of rivals. Avronwon the day with their Type 730. Most of the proposals did away with the windshield and featured periscopic visual systems for take off & landing.

I think the only other Vickers projects with side by side seating are the Type 567 scimitar evolution and 581 early tailless VG bomber. Both had a conventional windshield however.

Nice photo though, I didn't know the Type 799 ever got off the drawing board.
Re: BAC naval AEW studies

It's the mock-up of the AEW control console for the BAC Naval AEW studies. That photo is in Chris Gibson's Admiralty AEW book. Which does exist, as I've seen it.

Re: BAC naval AEW studies

Thanks Mark - interesting... with left/right radar presentation I was thinking more recce than AEW - I await Chris' book with interest.

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