BAC TSR.2: Lost Tomorrows of an Eagle


I really did change my personal text
Senior Member
3 October 2007
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Has anyone read this book by Paul Lucas? I'm not familiar with him but I think he wrote some articles on the aircraft for Model Aircraft monthly. The book's 128 pages and appears to have been published a year ago.

I'm still definitely getting Damien's book, though.
Me too !!

But since I'm not an expert on the TSR.2 ... I have the same question in regard to:

TSR.2: Britain's Lost Cold War Strike Aircraft by Tim McLelland


British Aircraft Corporation TSR2: An Aeroguide Special by Anthony M. Thornborough

Thanks for help,
OK - the Paul Lucas book is a compilation of the articles from Model Aircraft Monthly. Thorvic should be able to comment more.

Tim McLelland's book will presumably be less comprehensive than Damien's mighty tome - I assume he is sticking to the core TSR2 story. He has suggested elsewhere it will explode some myths about TSR2.
Paul's book is worth getting and, I think, compliments mine quite well - I was initially quite downheartened when it was advertised and my book was still far from finished, and even more so when it came out and I found he had covered some stuff I thought I was going to be first into print with! He concentrates almost totally on the 'what if' territory, being a big expansion of the modelling mag articles he'd done previously. Well researched, mostly sound and well-based extrapolations but it can be a rather dry read and the profile drawings are all weirdly stretched looking (and there are some silly mistakes - look at the TV Martel on the inner front cover). There is a good account of some of the planning and development history, not just a re-run of the common story as published by others, and a fairly non-partisan look at the reasons for cancellation. A few errors are present, mostly in the chapter on countermeasures which is probably the weakest chapter all in all.

The Aeroguide is also aimed at modellers and has some good photographic coverage to that end (far more photos of the TSR2 itself than Paul's book), but the text is a lightweight and faithful re-run of the well-worn story you'll find in other publications, with many of the same errors, and a few new ones. Quite a few silly mistakes in captions too - e.g. engine bay door described as undercarriage door, XS660 described as XR660, and so on. I wouldn't use it as a reference source. As a source for photos to help with modelling, not bad at all.

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