BAC 581 and BAC 583: Source material needed?

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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One of the most fascinating families of aircraft to be covered in various threads on this site was the BAC 581 and BAC 583 multi role aircraft.

Although there is a lot of coverage in BSP 1 and 2 and also elsewhere, does anyone know if there are brochures and documents held by BAe or elsewhere that can be accessed by the public?

I would love to have more info on this series of aircraft.
My understanding of the embryology of these aircraft was that they were designed by Whittle's team (who I believe Edwards kept separate from the main Vickers team) and the Supermarine design team from Hursley Park. So the Brooklands archives would be the next best place and the Warton archives the next best place after that. Government records on the requirements these were designed to could have information too?

Good luck on your hunt and please share anything you find!

Thank you for this steer, I have it on my to do list to try and get access to the archives you mention. I also keep an eye open for brochures at plane fairs in the UK.
I would guess the best source for this would be the Brooklands Museum.

If not, the main BAE Systems archive at Farnborough. I know the late Eric Morgan had a lot of this and I think much of that may now be at Farnborough.


Tony Buttler.
Thanks chaps

I will write to them and try and follow up.

uk 75 ralph

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