B-47C w/B-52 cockpit

nice, a Boeing hybrid bomber. how do you call that ? B-99 ? (47+52) ?
Thanks for posting. After seeing the pictures of the nose mock up in the B-47 book, I was wondering how it integrated overall with the aircraft. These images answer that question nicely.
The B-56 and RB-56 were the four engined proposals were they not? Or was the B-52 cockpit addition just an additional proposal? Not seen anything demonstrating that though.
Foo Fighter said:
The B-56 and RB-56 were the four engined proposals were they not? Or was the B-52 cockpit addition just an additional proposal? Not seen anything demonstrating that though.

This is a "YB-47C" with four engines. The B-56 was a four engine design that began life as the B-47C. Whether *this* design was inline with the B-56 family tree, or whether it was an offshoot, I don't know... documentation that came with this was limited.

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