Avro P470 Tactical STOL Aircraft


To much to do!
18 March 2016
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I just wanted to shed some light on the Avro P470.

The P 470 was never manufactured. It seemed to be the competition to the North American A 3 J as it is directly referenced in the design study.

The P 470 was a STOL aircraft with 4 different configurations considered. They are referred to as the P47-A which is similar to the A3J . Second is the P47-B, The P47-C was 87'6" long This version was similar to the B, The P47-D was 84'9" long.

It appears the engine thrust could be directed from one engine into the wings to facilitate short takeoff.
Mach 2.4 at 60,000ft, 6,095 lbs thrust, 2.19 lbs/lb thrust/hr. is one of the performance ratings.

They had hoped to have the first one up in 1961.
Does anyone know anything about the General Electric MJ 259 engine? It was basically an improved version of their J79-9 design. i would like to know more about it....Thanks
Nice! Not seen that project before, except some terrible pics on Ebay.


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Cold War Tech War by Randall Whitcomb, P.110, has a drawing of the P.450 which seems to be a direct precursor of the P.470, a supersonic ducted thrust STOL design with canards and arrow wing that was wind tunnel tested.
Great find Jamesmk and my dear Paul,

unfortunately in old Internet site,which now is gone away,there is a long list of Avro
Canada RL serial numbers,and a reference to some P Projects,I never
realized the value of it in its time,but now ........?.
Its a small world Paul. No 13, my latest acquisition. I couldn't believe it. Especially on Ebay!!
Avro items can be found in the strangest places. I found items at a garage sale in the early 70's! I hate to say the d word but the sale was at a home three doors down from Diefenbakers in my home town of Prince Albert Sask......never did like that guy, I had to endure many of his speeches at school over the years, the guy wouldn't stop talking.

I believe Frosts influence on the P47 lift system was heavy. He was in the special projects dept at Malton and it appears his avrocar lift research was somewhat incorporated into the 47.

I'm trying to make sense of timeline with the P47 project in regards to the 1961 NATO VTOL competition. Is there evidence beyond speculation it was even entered?
I think Avro may have been working on this way before the competition was announced. Any thoughts?
Sorry Ivran, I can't post any more for the time being. The manual contains pages of actual mathematical calculations and graphs in regards to aerodynamics, thrust, drag, performance etc. These were done by people who were responsible for putting a man on the moon. As a result, its stirred up a lot of interest. I've been discussing the use of the manual by various groups for possible publication in various forms. If I find this to be to much of a hassle, I will be posting some very nice high quality prints and artist renderings. I'm to busy at the moment to be dealing with them but will know more in a few months........my apologies again.
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