Aviation/Military Writers Wanted for The History Press!


ACCESS: Restricted
19 October 2010
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Dear All,

My name is Jay Slater and I am the senior commissioning book editor at The History Press in sunny Stroud, Gloucestershire, dealing with all things aviation, military and transport. By working with Ed Dyer, we acheived great success for Japanese Secret Projects for Ian Allan Publishing, and I am very keen to pursue other avenues for THP.

If you have any ideas that might make a great book or series - I do like the latter - please feel free to drop me a line: jslater@thehistorypress.co.uk

Very best wishes,

Jay Slater
Thanks for the welcome. It was this very forum that inspired me to do Japanese Secret Projects and mailed Ed through his site. It was a remarkably easy process and was a great team. I now believe that Ed is off and running working on the second book in the series.

The secret projects books are always successful as there is a market for them. I would like to do my own and come up with a plan of action. I'd like to do the strange and remarkable as well as concentrate on the usual suspects such as the Luftwaffe as well as the planned projects to see into 1946.

So gentlemen, if you have ideas and are genuinely interested, please do drop me a line. I have one very interesting lead as of this morning.

Many thanks for your support.


that sounds great!

I'll try to write my list of topics and ideas tonight or tomorrow (terribly busy at work) and email it to you.

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