Aviafrance website


I really should change my personal text
6 April 2014
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Does anybody have information about AViafrance / Bruno Parmentier. The search facility and download links no longer operate.
I can still open the website
But "les machines" seems indeed to have a problem with the "constructeurs"

What's weird is that that one can still be opened through a different link

Clearly the "constructeurs" index of the website seems to be broken. A pity, because I liked this resource very much. While the individual aircraft summaries were too short, the list of every single French aircraft manufacturer was pretty exhaustive and useful.

Never realized the sheer number of aircraft manufacturers by the early 1930's : before the Front Populaire vast reorganization. I once used that website for a count and found almost 20 of them (Breguet, Blériot, Amiot, Romano, Bloch, Hanriot...)

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