Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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Land Division
Defence Science and Technology Group



Army Research and Development Request (ARDR) 16 / 0054 requires examination of the opportunities for employment and associated effects of autonomy and automation across Combat Service Support (CSS) functions. This report outlines the results of a scoping study, subject matter expert discussions and workshop, and use case development for automated and autonomous systems for CSS. The scoping study covers key concepts and trends, a technology scan, and identification of potential applications for logistic operations. The outcomes of the workshop with Army Headquarters personnel include prioritisation of the shortlisted technologies with the selection of the top four technologies for further research: predictive analytics, last-mile logistics unmanned aerial systems, portable networked health diagnostic technology, and semi-autonomous convoys. Further discussions identify key information requirements and delimiters for the selected technologies. The report goes on to present detailed use cases for two technologies of interest: semi-autonomous convoys and last-mile logistics unmanned aerial systems, including a use case for enhanced battle casualty care. Biomechanoids

A technology that is conceptually interesting but is still in the very early stages of development is incorporation of robotic systems into live biological organisms, producing ‘biomechanoids’. North Carolina State University researchers have demonstrated ‘cyborg’ cockroaches equipped with microphones and some directional systems. Projected applications include assisting with locating survivors in humanitarian assistance/disaster relief (HADR) scenarios, although a lot of practical and technological barriers are yet to be overcome [59].

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