Attacks in Germany and Turkey today.

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Foo Fighter

Cum adolescunt hominem verum esse volo.
Senior Member
19 July 2016
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Another spate of attacks on those not involved in conflicts. Sad to see people think this sort of thing is acceptable and possibly even warranted.
on Berlin, is still unclear what happened, the Police try to figure it out.

In Belgium, it very quiet X-mas shopping time thanks to Military&Police forces on street
It's almost peaceful, compare to local annual bloodshed this time of year.
would be not for the two overaged damage nuclear reactors running on full power...
Importing large numbers of male fighting age Muslim refugees (and no Christian) is a good way to destabilize you're country. What were European politicians smoking? Glad Hillary doesn't have the chance to bring in hordes of Muslims to the USA. Muslims will not give non-Muslims quarter, and they should not be granted it either. It's cultural war.
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