ATAR projects


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2 January 2006
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I was searching tru my harddrive and found these two "concepts" ... are these pre what-if ... or was there a real project / program behind !??

Cheers, Deino ???


  • ATAR bomber concept 01.jpg
    ATAR bomber concept 01.jpg
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  • ATAR bomber concept.jpg
    ATAR bomber concept.jpg
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Deino, I know this article! It was in Le Fana de l'aviation, in September 2002... I red it recently when I was in hospital ??? :'(
This is aparently a flying wing project drawn by the German ingeniers who made the first french turbojets, the Atar (Herman Ostreich), what we call the Groupe O. They drew some flying wings with 8 different engines, including turboprops... and the Atar. the article is full of projects with superb drawings.
IIRC this four engined flying wing was designated as "avion courier",not a bomber .
I think, those designs didn't fit into one of those programs then under way.
When I got this article, I've tried to made 3-views of these designs. Will post
them this evening.
It would be very interesting, to get to know, what these designs really would have
looked like. Although (unfortunately) access to "Le Fana" is much too rare for me, I
sometimes have the feeling, that in those artist's impressions is quite a lot of art .... ::)
Here are the drawings of the ATAR designs. I was really cock-a-hoop when I
get this article. In the meantime I'm not absolutely shure, that these designs
weren't just made by Herrmann Oestrich and members of his team late in the
evening in a french bistro, after a couple of french beers ...
They look very german and nobody would have any doubts, if they would appear
on Luft'46 ...


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.. and here's the rest. Please keep in mind, that it is a lot of guessing !c ::)


  • ATAR-7.JPG
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  • ATAR-6.JPG
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  • ATAR-5.JPG
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Hi everybody, I'm new here .
Just found this interesting forum, and was very surprised to see a thread about the Atar Projects.
In fact i have done the Atar bomber concept render that Deino posted . Hope you liked it :) I had done another one , the one on the first scaleplan posted by Jemiba. I liked a lot the design , so continued working on a 3d model for myself. Here is a small website about it :
BTW, Jemiba, can i ask how you got these scaleplans ? Have you done it ? if so they are nice.
That "2-Seater, 1 x ATAR201 twin-engine pusher prop" scaleplan you posted has some details i had done for my 3d model, the servicing panels (small circles on the wings) , structures lines... these details are really guess work from me. For doing the 3d models for the Fana, I had some bad photocopies of the originals Atar projects scaleplans, with all texts in german... Very Luft46 stuff ... These plans showed the shape of the thing, placement of the engines, landing-gears, main structure, spar, tank and crew... really like some german wartime project drawing, with none of the details i added on the 3d models...
Welcome to the site, and - wow! some great renders there!

I used to do 3 modelling years ago, and I've just started getting back into it. I'm intending to build some "unbuilt projects" eventually.
Welcome, galgot !
I just know those ATAR projects by the Fana article and, yes, I know, details are
fictious, there was a note in that article. And in my post from June 30th I already
expressed my scepticism, but now, maybe, I can rectify some errors !
You did a nice work and it would have been a pity, not to use it, as long as there is no
other material.
Thanks for the nice welcome :)

overscan - glad you like it. And also the advantages 3d modelling is that ist much less encumbering (correct word ?) than plastic modelling, I still have hundreds of kits boxes, bought before my computer age...
If your interested, here is a nice forum about 3d :

Jemiba - Sorry, should have read your posts more carefully... Your plans are quite good, can't see anything to rectify ;D
Yes , good site ! These animations look quite realistic.
And when you wrote "there were dozens of these projects ...",
can we hope fpr even more, than were shown in Le Fana ? ;)
Wellcome onboard galgot ;)

Congratulations for your fabulous art. It's fascinating!!

jemiba - Uh !!? I wrote "dozens" ! Sorry I've been a bit "sensationalist" here ... I will correct that.
If i remember well , there was the seven designs that are in small plans on my site, plus one called "Weltrekord - flugzeug , Abbildung 20" that had the same configuration that the "2XAtar101" but with pilot in prone position; and another one called "Gross - verkehrs - flugzeug mit 6 x Atar 101", Abbildung 30", a big flying-wing with 6 turbojets... Will try to find these drawings again...

Antonio - many thanks !

Welcome and congratulations for your amazing illustrations!!!

the SNECMA "ATAR Volant


  • ATAR-Volant.GIF
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From Le Fana 393.


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I'm rather fond of the giant Cutlass-like transport
The July 2015 issue of Klassiker has reproductions of original drawings taken from the DEHLA archives.

All of these designs were done under the direction of Dr. Ing. Hugo Denkmeier formerly of the DVL.

Unfortunately Klassiker chose to layout the drawings and other images in a kind of annoying way and some of the details are obscured.


  • ATAR 6 tl scale.jpg
    ATAR 6 tl scale.jpg
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  • ATAR ptl configs scale.jpg
    ATAR ptl configs scale.jpg
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  • ATAR turbo side front scale.jpg
    ATAR turbo side front scale.jpg
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  • ATAR turbo top scale.jpg
    ATAR turbo top scale.jpg
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  • ATAR 120 ton scale.jpg
    ATAR 120 ton scale.jpg
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  • ATAR 15 ton scaled.jpg
    ATAR 15 ton scaled.jpg
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  • ATAR 67 ton scaled.jpg
    ATAR 67 ton scaled.jpg
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  • ATAR models.jpg
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  • ATAR 6tl alt scale.jpg
    ATAR 6tl alt scale.jpg
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galgot said:
Here a small present, old stuff :

Thank you very much for sharing your's renders!
Nice style and real artistism - combined with precision and realistic detailization of models' surfaces.

Your' personal web-page is very intersting too, and deserve a time to study other drawings, renders and stuff.
Keep up the good work!
Agreed on the renders and model, nicely done, Sir. Thank you for showing them. Was the model made with Autodesk Inventor or 3ds Max?
Happy you like it Sirs. This is more than 10 years old work.
Seeing these images reminded me I still had that PDF.
There was two models, the one published in the Fana was done with Strata Studio Pro (think it's not called like that anymore…), and the other one on which I took more liberties and of which more renders are in this PDF , was done in Maya.
Think it was version 4.5 , still for Mac PowerPC at the time :p
Somebody knows where the biography of Dr. Ing. Hugo Denkmeier can be found?
Google only mentions the Hugo Denkmeier Preiz/Award.

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