Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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Rest In Peace.
I had forgotten that April 30th just gone was the 28th Anniversary of the Internet being introduced to the public in 1993 in the form of the World Wide Web, though the WWW's official birthday is generally held to be March 12th (birthdate 1989) as per this article from 2019.

Also from 2019:

From 2013:

Some more background on the WWW's introduction:
Last edited:
You do not understand the power of the Dark Side. A glimpse of its conceptual birth was offered by an English student who had shared the same UCLA campus. John Brunner published his novel The Shockwave Rider in 1975. Its main protagonist is an intuitive hacker who types decimal code directly into the modem via the terminal phone keypad. In it Brunner coins such malware terms as "worm". The title refers to Alvin Toffler's best-selling thesis on Future Shock, in which he promotes the idea that invention and progress are nowadays moving faster than the human psyche can keep up with.





I did not realise that he had created the Ethernet after all those years of using it, sad he has died. RIP.

Meant to post this a few days ago:

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