Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict news

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From the UN comments, it appears that Armenia has control of the region but it has a majority Azeri population but, I cannot find any logical and continuous border that would be associated with this. Internet searches do tend to pull in rubbish though. My bottom line is that politics is again killing people.
I'm surprised there wasn't a thread yet on this (I think). ...

The reason principally is, that though aircraft are involved, there are still no points in this conflict, that
bear a direct relation to the main focus of this forum. ;)
From the UN comments, it appears that Armenia has control of the region but it has a majority Azeri population but, I cannot find any logical and continuous border that would be associated with this. Internet searches do tend to pull in rubbish though. My bottom line is that politics is again killing people.

Nah, Nagorno-Karabakh is a majority Armenian region (and de facto under Armenian control since 1994) that is however internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan.

I'm not sufficiently well-read on the history of the region to tell whether parallels run deeper than this, but superficially it therefore seems to be in a similar position to Kosovo before independence from Serbia.
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Videos showing precision guided munitions against Armenian troops. Seems to be a Turkish equivalent to Hellfire and a cluster bomb. I am surprised the Armenians are not dispersing troops, staying in terrain that offers camouflage, and bringing in a lot more AA hardware.

Is there an ORBAT for these folks?
I'm surprised there wasn't a thread yet on this (I think).
Because...have you ever read forum rules? Have you seen forum title? What has this conflict to do with it?
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