Phantom Fanatic

the ATF program was truly great
27 October 2022
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Hello all
I was looking around Secret Projects this morning and I realized that there is no thread dedicated to discussion of Argentine efforts to replace the TAM. I see one short post on the “South American Tanks” thread about the TAP, any additional information about this project would be appreciated.

I hope this thread gets so traffic soon. I’ll probably look around the internet for some pictures or links to post.
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Yes, it is a logical next step in the design. The TAP concept seems to have been a lengthened TAM chassis (7 road wheels per side instead of 6) mated with a 120mm armed leopard 2 style turret.
Here is a pic of the TAP I found on Tank Encyclopedia. I found a few more I’ll post later.

View attachment 707060
The extended TAP platform ended up as the 40 tonne VCA-155mm SPG, of which only 19 units were completed. My guess is that a TAP with a 120mm turret and additional armor would have been a bit heavier than the VCA-155 but still less than a Leopard II. A bit of a miniature Merkava and not unusual for the era as both Sweden and Switzerland were planning front engine, moderate weight MBTs a few years later. I’m sure the Argentine Junta had grandiose plans, none of which were economically sustainable.
Tank designation is more of a doctrinal thing, so it all depends on the doctrine (and budgets) of Argentina. A good example of blurring the lines would be the M10 Booker; many commentators call it a light tank, whereas doctrinally, it's more or less an assault gun.
Headline writer seems to be the problem here. I mean, Argentina is still calling it a medium tank.

"Oh look, someone in that jeep has got a gun, wot is it now"? "Well, seriously if there is a gun in it, it's a tank. Obvious, innit"?
Yes. As TomS has already said: the Ejército Argentino is still calling it a Tanque Argentino Mediano.

If it were an MBT, the EA would call it a 'Tanque de batalla principal' (and be carefully inventorying any local infrastructure that might support an MBT's weight).

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