Ardennes East?


Senior Member
21 April 2009
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Just posting this here as there were a couple other WWII speculation threads that garnered quite a few responses so thought I would ask the question, "What if Hitler sent the force that attacked through the Ardennes AKA "The Battle of the Bulge" to attack the Soviets instead, could it have blunted and stopped them?"

From Wikipedia:

Hitler earmarked three armies for the offensive: the Sixth Panzer, Fifth Panzer and Seventh Armies. These accumulated over 240,000 soldiers, spread over seven panzer divisions, two panzer brigades and thirteen infantry divisions. The bulk of the offensive's armored strength was in the Sixth Panzer Army, which was tasked with the capture of the Belgian port of Antwerp. To its south was the Fifth Panzer Army, outfitted to protect the Sixth's flank while it crossed the Meuse River. The southernmost flank was covered by the Seventh Army, composed of three infantry corps and ordered to protect the Fifth Army's southern flank and tie down American reserves in Luxembourg.
To keep a focus let's not take into account any actions on the Western Front (one could argue that before the Ardennes Offensive the Western allies were in a consolidation phase anyway) but only what might have happened in the East.

Also I have read a couple of alternate history books and wonder if this scenario has been "put in print" so to speak. Any help would be appreciated.

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