Arado E.377 manned bomb


ACCESS: Top Secret
28 January 2008
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Hi everybody

I am searching a drawing of the Arado E.377c ! It should be a piloted version of the
E.377 glide bomb !
Some Data Arado E.377c
1200kg warhead (liquid high explosives) in the fuselage !
prone position pilot !
2 extra rocket units !
BTW It was also called "Arado SO-GERÄT" ?

Info about the E.377

Maybe someone can help ? I think it is very unknown ?
Many greetings
Hi everybody

There was also a manned version of the Junkers-268 planned.

Many greetings
It was my understanding that the manned versions were to allow the weapon to be flown to a forward area for use. The piloted nose could be removed and a warhead set in place.
Please keep in mind that these are very much paper projects, for the most part only in very preliminary design stages, so details of the configuration and even possible operational use was still only vaugely thought out. Further, some of this kinds of stuff was actually speculations by Allied intel or worse, post war popular press, so was often just short of fiction or out right hoax.
Hi everybody

I am searching a drawing of the Arado E.377c ! It should be a piloted version of the
E.377 glide bomb !
Some Data Arado E.377c
1200kg warhead (liquid high explosives) in the fuselage !
prone position pilot !
2 extra rocket units !
BTW It was also called "Arado SO-GERÄT" ?

Info about the E.377

Maybe someone can help ? I think it is very unknown ?
Many greetings
Dan Sharp notes that the Arado E.377 project brochure doesn't mention a piloted E.377 variant.

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