Arado Ar-240TL


ACCESS: Secret
20 December 2006
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Has anybody a 3-view?
Thank you!


  • ar-240tl.jpg
    7.2 KB · Views: 709
Thanks Justo, i have this book, but these drawing is not a full 3-view, no wings and tail :'(
Only a longitudinal section and a other view.


  • Ar240-TL_schnitt.jpg
    132.9 KB · Views: 161
  • ar240tl.jpg
    17.5 KB · Views: 186
Interesting - I'd always assumed it was a single engine design. I always new that the Germans experimented with a stunning diversity of engine placements while looking for optimum performance, but it appears they kept experimenting even beyond that. It is a very interesting placement - I assume the long duct would have lead to losses, but what about the exhaust tubes? Would they take the heat? Any idea how this systems was supposed to work?
Was there any commonality with the "standard" Ar 240 twin engined destroyer ?
Judging the drawings, I can only find a very superficial similarity of the cockpit and
the layout makes widespread use of Ar 240 components not very probable, I think.
Agreed, I don't see much commonality either.
Funny engine layout, I wonder if this wasn't source of inspiration for the EE Lightning.
Different engine positions:


  • 240.jpg
    92.2 KB · Views: 132
What is the source of these drawings?
Layout #1 in particular seems VERY lossy. The Germans were very conscious of duct losses and tried to keep intake and nozzle lengths down to a minimum (see Me-262, He-162, p.1011, etc.). These look rather long and 'twisty', hardly conducive to good efficiency.
I am also wondering where the wing spar is supposed to pass through, if the required space is taken up by ducting.
My drawings, based on Geheimprojekte der Luftwaffe -Band III german edition page 57.
Oh, ok :)
Nice speculation, but try to leave some room for structure! inboard layouts found in the secret projects series should be a good source of inpiration ;)

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