arab superguns

Quality British engineering that!
And definitely based on a Canadian's design.
Kinda crazy there was a dude running around offering to build any rogue state a James Bond worthy weapon of mass destruction just cause he thought they were neat.
Quality British engineering that!

But someone should have told Sheffield Forgemasters their name wasn't meant to apply to the export license ;)
It was a water pipe!
Sorry can't resist this.
"Honest Guv'!
Just a water pipe.
Nothing to see here.
Yes very pressurised water, it's all legit, we got papers and everything.
Yes really really really pressurised water...yes very hot water....."
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Kinda crazy there was a dude running around offering to build any rogue state a James Bond worthy weapon of mass destruction just cause he thought they were neat.
Always thought after we impounded the thing, we ought to have built it.
Quality British engineering that!

But someone should have told Sheffield Forgemasters their name wasn't meant to apply to the export license ;)
It was a water pipe!
Dprry can't resist this.
"Honest Guv'!
Just a water pipe.
Nothing to see here.
Yes very pressurised water, it's all legit, we got papers and everything.
Yes really really really pressurised water...yes very hot water....."
Tapered bore, really gets that water pressure up.
hol up.... so your telling me they had their own stationary "railway gun" size weapon. built and possibly operational??? how did i not know about this? was there ever reports or any conformation that this weapon was ever fired or test fired?

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