Arab Spacecraft projects

SOYUZ 2.1B Carrier rocketcarrying EgySat-1
I thought that was called Tammouz?
That, not the supergun was what got Bull in trouble…he did dynamic calculations for it according to Mark Wade…which leaves me wondering…
I thought that was called Tammouz?
That, not the supergun was what got Bull in trouble…he did dynamic calculations for it according to Mark Wade…which leaves me wondering…
Tammouz and Al-Abid both refer to the rocket, one was the space launch version and the other the ballistic missile. I’ve seen conflicting sources on which is which. Interestingly, apparently there was a consideration into giving the supergun an asat shell
Why would they even be interested in this sort of thing.
Iraq learned the value of strategic bombardment in the 80s, and had several programs for redundancy. Plus, a military payload is a good way to get funding for your space rocket, a la R-7 and weaponized N-1 designs. It’s an inefficient weapon, but a wmd payload makes it much more useful for deterrence and bombardment, and a civilian use helps disguise its purpose and fund the program. Badr-2000 relied on fickle allies, the supergun relied on Bull, the Tammouz was an in-house design and thus more secure. Also, space launches make great propaganda.
The best source on the Iraqi rocket programs was a United Nations report compiled after the US invasion of Iraq. They talked to some of the relevant people. Iraq's satellite program appears to have been legit. It appears that they wanted to launch their own satellite on a foreign rocket until that was no longer an option, and then they decided to develop their own space launch vehicle to do it. Of course, advancements in space launch help advance ballistic missile technology as well (and vice versa). It's too bad that we don't have a better account of what they were doing and why. Here's something on their satellite program:

Why would they even be interested in this sort of thing.
Iraq learned the value of strategic bombardment in the 80s, and had several programs for redundancy. Plus, a military payload is a good way to get funding for your space rocket, a la R-7 and weaponized N-1 designs. It’s an inefficient weapon, but a wmd payload makes it much more useful for deterrence and bombardment, and a civilian use helps disguise its purpose and fund the program. Badr-2000 relied on fickle allies, the supergun relied on Bull, the Tammouz was an in-house design and thus more secure. Also, space launches make great propaganda.
Egypt had a program and a its own missile from 1960s.
Egypt had a program and a its own missile from 1960s.
Why would they even be interested in this sort of thing.
Iraq learned the value of strategic bombardment in the 80s, and had several programs for redundancy. Plus, a military payload is a good way to get funding for your space rocket, a la R-7 and weaponized N-1 designs. It’s an inefficient weapon, but a wmd payload makes it much more useful for deterrence and bombardment, and a civilian use helps disguise its purpose and fund the program. Badr-2000 relied on fickle allies, the supergun relied on Bull, the Tammouz was an in-house design and thus more secure. Also, space launches make great propaganda.

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