April Fools Day 2024

Here a few links for our members, who understand German...err, I mean German humour. ;)
View: https://twitter.com/Team_Luftwaffe/status/1774741745604952439?t=5V2vDkW7HhxGHDXxlPvF0Q&s=19

View: https://youtu.be/G3VqFwofpm8?si=KWhe7ns8zDkCO1dx
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Until this morning, I was a pilot in the USAF on "F-202 Super Delta", I had decided to train in vertical landing, and I don't know why, after a trial, they sent me to fly helicopters.
I'm jealous of Harrier pilots who are allowed to do not only vertical landings, but also take-offs, and who aren't getting kicked out.
Until this morning, I was a pilot in the USAF on "F-202 Super Delta", I had decided to train in vertical landing, and I don't know why, after a trial, they sent me to fly helicopters.
I'm jealous of Harrier pilots who are allowed to do not only vertical landings, but also take-offs, and who aren't getting kicked out.
FYI, that's a T-shirt printing company in Sardinia:

street view 3.png

That photo was taken in 2006. The years have not been kind to that bit of advertising art, nor, it seems, the rest of the building. This is what it looked like in 2021:

street view 1.png
street view 2.png
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More April Fool's hohoho.

Obviously not enough real UK defence news happens these days coz we can't afford it so they went overboard on April Fool's stories to make up some content.
Here a few links for our members, who understand German...err, I mean German humour. ;)
View: https://twitter.com/Team_Luftwaffe/status/1774741745604952439?t=5V2vDkW7HhxGHDXxlPvF0Q&s=19

View: https://youtu.be/G3VqFwofpm8?si=KWhe7ns8zDkCO1dx

Fregatte is less martially sounding then Kreuzer (cruiser) :p
“It reminds me of the heady days of Apollo and the moon landings when the world trembled at the sounds of our rockets well they’ll tremble again at the sounds of our silence….”
“We will pass through the Chinese patrols, past their sonar nets, and lay off their largest city, and listen to our rock'n'roll while we conduct missile drills. Then, and when we are finished, the only sound they will hear is our laughter, while we sail to Guam, where the sun is warm, and so is the comradeship. A great day, comrades. We sail into history.”

An older one from CERN:


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