April Fools 2014


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25 June 2009
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The planned aerial tanker conversion of the AAS-1 (former He 274) which was started but never completed:


  • AAS-1R.jpg
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Re: April Fool 2014

Great find !
Read about it quite a while ago, it was readied for test flying from Beaumort airfield, near
Aprilix in southern France, when the prototype was destroyed by an unexpected storm, wasn't it ? ;)
Re: April Fool 2014

Jemiba said:
Great find !
Read about it quite a while ago, it was readied for test flying from Beaumort airfield, near
Aprilix in southern France, when the prototype was destroyed by an unexpected storm, wasn't it ? ;)

Actually that's only one of the variants of the story. There is another version according to which the AAS-1R's construction was halted because the fuel tanks were ill-designed and would have leaked above 5,000 ft... The storm only accelerated the cancellation of the program... ::)
Re: April Fool 2014

Stargazer said:
.. actually that's only one of the variants of the story. There is another version according to which the AAS-1R's construction was halted because the fuel tanks were ill-designed and would have leaked above 5,000 ft...

That was a clear case of disinformation ! The french government was the first one, that had started a chemtrail program,
but psychotropic drugs still were lacking the needed efficiency !
Re: April Fool 2014

Jemiba said:
Stargazer said:
.. actually that's only one of the variants of the story. There is another version according to which the AAS-1R's construction was halted because the fuel tanks were ill-designed and would have leaked above 5,000 ft...

That was a clear case of disinformation ! The french government was the first one, that had started a chemtrail program,
but psychotropic drugs still were lacking the needed efficiency !

Not so fast Jemiba, since according to 'Historical Medical Classics Involving New Drugs' (1974),
the French authorities had been aware of mass psychotropic effects for centuries..

Beware the fungus amongus..

Page 104..
"Mezeray, in his history of France, describes epidemics of ergotism in 944 & 1090.
He assigned the name "St Anthony's Fire" to the epidemic...Towards the end of the 18th century
the disease was recognised as an attack of fungus.

Ergotism took its greatest toll among the peasant classes. They ate the poor grade of rye flour which
had been attacked by the fungus... Ergot is a veritable treasure chest for numerous alkaloids & amines
that are pharmacologically active... It was found that the molecule of lysergic acid appeared to be the
characteristic chemical nucleus of these alkaloids."

LSD is a synthetic compound of lysergic acid ( diethylamide)..

'Let them eat cake', indeed...
Re: April Fool 2014

& wasn't the He 162 the 1st generation operational jet fighter - in French service?
Re: April Fool 2014

Okay folks, time to come out clean on this one... ::)


Although the AAS-1 was a real aircraft (the redesignation of the two French-built He 274 prototypes), the AAS-1R (for "ravitaillement", or refuelling) was clearly what we might call... a bit fishy. Especially since Jemiba forgot to mention that the fateful thunderstorm took place on April 1, 1947!

Sorry if this misled some of you (I hope it didn't!). :-[ You can erase the image from your computers, even use a couple of seasoned insults about me if you really lack a sense of humor, too! B)

Congrats to you, Jens, for immediately smelling something "fishy" about it (but after all, you are German, and so it was way too hard to fool you on that kind of stuff!!!) You can now split the last four posts to the "Alternate history..." section with a nice "[April's Fool] tag on it. Not that it was completely out of place in a topic labeled "... (and fake projects...)" but definitely out of place for the "Early Aircraft" section!!! ;D
Re: April Fool 2014

Stargazer said:
...to the "Alternate history..." section with a nice "[April's Fool] tag on it.

... and it was a really nice one, that took you quite an effort ! Thank you, Stargazer !
The knowledge, that for example the Nord N.1500 should be converted into an aerial tanker, too,
made it not easier, so it was just the date, that brought the decision.
Hope, we'll see more next year ! ;)
Perhaps this should be moved here as well:
The best hoaxes always have an air of plausibility about them. Given that the Handley-Page Harrow was actually modified for IFR of commercial transports before WW2, this one would be difficult to challenge unless you knew all the facts.
It's always a good inspirition for " What if " or alternate history about Heinkel 274 !

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