Any other authors focused on Soviet aircraft?Excluding Yefim Gordon.


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17 February 2011
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I have collected most of Gordon's works. I want to have some new "idea" about Soviet aircraft, especially the tactical that Warsaw pac bloc employed. Any recommendation?Thanks!
If you speak french I suggest you some works by Herbert Léonard, like the wonderful book "Les Chasseurs Polikarpov", but it's very expensive, even in used book market :( :( :(
this is my latest book, published in november 2013. But it is in italian.
Thank you guys for the recommendations. I'm afraid I need to focus on English version, although it is also not a best selection for me, a Chinese reader.
This is an old post - but as a long time buyer of Russian related aviation - i've found Piotr Butowski and Alexander Mladenov from Bulgaria - esp the latter's books are quite upto date with the right amount of details and original research although not having as many technical drawings as Gordon.

Mladenov's article on Mig23/27 derivatives in IAPR 14 and 15 are still classics - recently Osprey Vanguard has bought out a few Su-25 , Mil Mi 24/35 which are quite upto date

2 books by Ildar Bedredtinov (who formed his own publishing co BCS i think) on the Su-25 and Su-27 are also superb.

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