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28 August 2008
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Found a website sometime ago about a variant of the AN-2 that was designed to shoot down U.S. GENETRIX Spy balloons. It had a turbo or supercharger to fly at high altitude. A rear turret was added with a gun.

Website had some great side views. Don't think it was ever built.
Probably this old site:


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  • an3fighter.gif
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That's what I was looking for but when I click on it there are no images.

Аn-2A or An-3 first with this name


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The Myasischev Chaika and Geofisika twin-boom, high-altitude aircraft originated in the same requirement. As it happened, the balloons proved more than capable of shooting themselves down.

Curtiss Peebles' book The Moby Dick Project is a fascinating account of Cold War US balloon operations--without which we would have little or no UFO/Roswell folklore today.
In his book History of aircraft construction in the USSR in 1951-1965gg. referred to another project on the ADA.

Antonov An-25 - all-metal cantilever monoplane design and mid-large rectangular wing span and elongation. The airplane is one turbojet engine D-20P with a takeoff thrust of 5800 kgf and two air intakes in the wing at the junction with the fuselage. AN-25 has a pressurized cabin for pilot and gunner / observer located in the glassed-in front of the plane.
The aircraft equipment is installed (in the fairing on the keel), designed for detecting, tracking ADA at altitudes up to 40,000 hours for the destruction of the balloon at an altitude of 22,000 meters on the upper surface of the fuselage behind the cockpit is infantry unit with an angle of attack in the vertical plane 0 ... 1000.

Calculated data: aircraft takeoff weight - 7200 kg, cruising speed at an altitude of 20 km - 540 km / h, the duration of patrols - 2,5 hours

In 1958, was completed preliminary design.
Funny, I have the An-25 associated with the exact same picture of the An-3 as seen just above... ???


  • An-25.jpg
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Stephane, this is the An-3 (the first of that name)
If the source of this picture is the thread
this is one of the errors Hesham, incorrect translation.
There's some interesting material here:-

Would anyone have any drawings, besides the profiles shown, of the AN-3 monoplane version of the AN-2 balloon attacker? Are there any in the Red Star volume on the AN-2 by Gordon and Komissarov?

And nobody, but nobody I have talked to has a ghost of a scintilla of an earthly clue what balloons the Sovs were trying to shoot down in the 1970s and 1980s...

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