Another new member


ACCESS: Restricted
9 February 2009
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Greetings, I discovered the forum today as I rekindled my enthusiasm for Luftwaffe project aircraft. As you can tell from my 'handle' I am a Blohm und Voss fan but to show I am not obsessed there#s a picture of a Gotha. I like the technical and factual balance this forum shows. I shy away from the lurid fantasists sometimes associated with these subjects. I have many built and unbuilt models of German project aircraft and wondered if photos would be appreciated. Do I detect a scepticism where 'Luft 46' is concerned? I wouldnt want to post such items if they were not wanted. Opinions please.

As another huge fan of Blohm Und Voss, I look forward to your contribution to this great site.

"Do I detect a scepticism where 'Luft 46' is concerned? "

To my opinion, Luft '46 is a serious attempt to shed more light on a difficult
subject. Difficult, because besides authentic material, there is a lot of stuff
around, that can be called "highly speculative" at best with a lot of good will.
And although it is relatively easy to sort out things like anti-gravity flying discs,
or manned space flight by "german space pioneers", there are themes about ideas,
that probably never were taken seriously even during the closing stages of WW II,
but which are presented as "sensational secret projects" now. And even in dealing
with aircraft, that look absolutely authentic at first glance, there sometimes should
be some scepticism, I just remind the case of the "absolutely unknown, but built
Heinkel fighter".
But that's, what fora like this are for, to discuss such things, so : Welcome ! ;)
Scale models are welcome in the right forum, provided they are real projects not made up ones.

Luft 46 stuff is welcome especially where it is new material, but simply repeating well known information is probably less useful.
Welcome aboard, Mark

I also like Blohm und Voss aircraft, and made a model of the Bv 141 as a kid. Hey, I still have it on my shelf behind me as I type this.

I like aircraft projects from 1935 to present, the more obscure the better.

Have fun here!
Thanks for the welcoming words.

And even in dealing with aircraft, that look absolutely authentic at first glance, there sometimes should be some scepticism,

Jemiba, you have hit the button there. I have most of the reference books and have built many kits. There are probably a few suspects in there. I would like to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak and will therefore start a new topic in the relevant section.
I am a new member too and am fascinated by German WWII aircraft - from my former modelling days. B&V is a good choice... did you know that they began life as a ship-builder?

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