Anastase Dragomir, inventor of catapultable cockpit (1896-1966)


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26 May 2006
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He is most famous for his “catapultable cockpit” patent (with Tănase Dobrescu). He worked at several aircraft factories in
France, where he perfected a system for saving pilots and passengers in case of accidents. On 3 November 1928, he applied
for a patent in France with “Nouveau système de montage des parachutes dans les appareils de locomotion aérienne.” The
invention was “a new system of parachuting from an air locomotion device, each passenger having his own parachute that
allows, at critical moments, the assembly to detach from the plane, so that the parachute with the seated passenger may
escape through an opening.” After Dragomir obtained financing, he began the construction of his flying cockpit. His cockpit
was tested on 28 August 1929, on a Farman airplane at Paris-Orly, in the presence of pilots, officials and newspaper reporters.
The Paris newspapers reported on the invention’s success. Dragomir returned home to Romania, where, together with the
Romanian aviation engineer Constantin Nicolau, he successfully repeated the experiment in an Avia airplane at Băneasa
Airport in Bucharest, Romania, on 26 October 1929.

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