American Expeditionary Forces's Miramas supply depot 1917-18 information


ACCESS: Top Secret
21 February 2007
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For an historian friend of mine working on the American Expeditionary Forces' logistic network in France, I am looking for any information concerning the supply depot built at Miramas (a town and railway knot located 30km North-West of Marseille Harbour) by the A.E.F.'s Service of Supply in 1917-18.
In this depot where stored all type of equipments needed by the Expeditionary Forces on battlefields.
Archives in France have nothing concerning this depot.
I am looking for eventual essays/books published on the subject, as well as photos, documents, plans, etc... or organisations/institutions to be contacted for information.

Thanks a lot in advance for advice and help,
Best regards,


  • Miramas US SOS Depot.JPG
    Miramas US SOS Depot.JPG
    181 KB · Views: 9

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