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What was the outcome of the war? Above the type of model, there must be a critical mass number of them....even if Argentina, which already had difficulty maintaining its A4, had acquired harriers for its aircraft carrier, unlike the many of them Would they be enough? No... of course it wouldn't be a small number and with even worse operational maintenance. There is no point in analyzing the plane, you have to analyze the package... what would be the point of Argentina operating a few 12 harriers on the 25th of May (which would have a shorter range than the A4) if they would be using the AIM-9B missile against the AIM- 9L British? would not change anything in favor of the Argentines...air combat would be the same or worse...there would not be enough Argentine Harriers to sustain the attrition rate...quantity is a quality in itself...that is why the MB-326 or MB-339 come into this assessment... it would be enough in alternative history for them to exist in place of the IA-63 Pucara...

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