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I am not sure what the point of this exercise is, will offer two possible ways of doing it better.

Sea Harrier vs Mig 21 and 23 scenarios

If you want to have RN SHars pitted against Migs then the Mediterranean in the 1980s is a much better bet.   Ghaddafi's Libya and Assad Dad's Syria both operated them and were not too fond of Britain.  A confrontation between an RN carrier and the Libyan or Syrian AF is much more likely than your scenario.

Argentina has an Air Force in 1982 able to take on the UK

Start off by giving it a better economy and access to inflight refueling aircraft.  You could then add some Buccaneer S50s or Phantom F4C bought from S Africa or Spain or even more from UK and US.

Still a bit pointless and outside the spirit of unbuilt projects.

.Perhaps give Argentina an India level aircraft industry with German designers and you get something like the Hindustan Marut or Helwan HA30.

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